Sunday, January 31, 2016

I'm Just watching this thing...

So this is a first time thing for me: "blogging" or whatever. But I have some kind of theme echoing around me and I feel like I should put it down. I am on a pretty awesome and exciting walk, far from home and home though far. I say exciting because it is something that many people do not get the opportunity to do. The great people behind me have made it possible for me to simply walk with God and do good works. Namely, my job for the next two and a half years is to build relationships with people and help wherever I can. Just loving people and acting in that. It's not exactly that simple and surely not going to be as easy as that sounds but that's the gist of it. The truly wonderful part is that I get to experience God working in my life and in the lives of those around me. And that's all I can do. I cannot save anyone. I cannot fix anybody's life. I can give pretty good advice sometimes, I guess, and I can be there to help encourage somebody, but I am too imperfect. I am far too broken to truly help someone out of my own power, regardless of how hard I might try. But, God can do all of that. I can be used to give advice that isn't from me, I can be bolstered by the mighty hand of God himself to set an example that I have no way in setting of my own accord. I get to be here to witness the MIRACULOUS POWER OF THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE AGAINST ALL THE ODDS AND DANGERS OF BEING IN A FOREIGN FIELD. And that's all I am. I am a witness. I see what goes down here to tell others about it. In spite of the opposition. When Jesus says that we are to be his witnesses, that's what he's talking about. Witnesses as in witnesses as part of the judiciary process. We get to see him. We don't do hardly anything, but yet we are an intricate part of the happenings. And that doesn't have to be in a foreign field, it can be on your street or in your house or wherever you are, whatever you are doing. Wow.

However, there is still opposition. I am still in the middle of a war. So I am going to soldier up with the full armor of God from Ephesians 6, knowing that this fight is not against flesh and blood. I'm gonna keep my sword sharp and feet ready, suited up at all times to be prepared for whatever comes at me. It's not a fight I can win, though, so I need to remember that I am simply watching this thing.

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